Monday 2 May 2011

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

As we live in a very stereotypical world, it is easy for my film opening to represent a group. I chose my actor as she looks far different to most people, the pillar-box red hair for a start. If I had to liken her to a character in a film I would choose Oliver Tate from Submarine.

The video above is the trailer for Submarine, I know that the main character is a boy but they share very similar characteristics. Socially they are in the same position, with the tendency of being alone. My main character also shares the awkwardness of Oliver, weird habits/actions and the same intentions.
Stereotypically, my character is 'indie', which means independent. She is iscolated, misunderstood, and wrapped up in her own world - just as many teenagers are. As my target audience is 14-25 which is mainly teens, a particular few of these will be of the stereotype 'indie'.

My character also dresses differently from normal teens - she wears a band t-shirt of a band that no one has heard of, her hair is bright red so she stands out from the crowd. Her social class is not apparent, she is not someone who would care for class as she doesn't see it as important.

However, she could represent any teenage girl, as all she is looking for is hope and happiness, just as Oliver Tate is.

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