Tuesday 16 November 2010

Two contrasting magazine brands published by IPC Media

Marie Claire

Overview - Marie Claire is a worldwide icon it epitomises style and substance, with fashion and beauty that embrace everything from catwalk to high street. Marie Claire is published in the UK in partnership with French publishing company, Groupe Marie Claire.

Frequency - Monthly 

Circulation - 280,021 (ABC Jan-Jun 10)

Readership - 821,000 (NRS Jan-Jun 10)

Target Market -professional women aged 25-34


Country Life

Overview - Quintessential English magazine, is undoubtedly one of the biggest and instantly recognisable brands in the UK today. It has a unique core mix of contemporary country-related editorial and top end property advertising. Editorially, the magazine comments in-depth on a wide variety of subjects, such as architecture, the arts, gardens and gardening, the countryside, field-sports and wildlife.

Frequency - Weekly 

Circulation - 36,836 (ABC Jan-Dec 09)

Readership220,000 (NRS Jul09-Jun10)

Target Market - Adults 


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