Saturday 12 March 2011

Possible Film Locations

This is the place where I intend my actor to set the letters/photos on fire. I think it's a good location because it's a bit different and also emphasises the lonliness because it looks abandoned even though it isn't.

I will probably choose this for the scene where she walks through water and also sets the paper crane free. I don't really have much choice in where to film this as there are not many shallow rivers in the area so it's pretty restrictive. This is taken from the bridge that I will also film her dropping a torn up paper from, but I forgot to take a picture of it!
This is a possibility of where she can float the paper crane, but I don't like it as I don't feel it's right and as it's a pond there won't be a current to make the paper crane sail. This can be used as a back up in the event that I may not be able to use the other location.
I thought that these trees would be good for the fire scene as they look interesting and different. However, on closer inspection it is a private field and I didn't fancy risking my life climbing over barbed wire for a short scene. Unfortunately this would have perfectly fitted the first few shots of my storyboard but I feel I may change it anyway.
This is also another location for the river scene. However I don't like it as much because it feels too close to civilisation and it might change the feel of my opening as I want the surroundings to reflect on the character and how she feels just to emphasise her feelings (loneliness).

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