Monday 21 March 2011


The original plan was to make the soundtrack myself, using a friends studio. However, with there being five days until the deadline this is no longer possible due to time limitations and I am going to have to find a piece of non-copyright music which I can get off websites such as I hope to find a piece of slow, acoustic music as I think this will mainly set the mood of the film and it will fit what I intend the opening to feel like.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Possible Film Locations

This is the place where I intend my actor to set the letters/photos on fire. I think it's a good location because it's a bit different and also emphasises the lonliness because it looks abandoned even though it isn't.

I will probably choose this for the scene where she walks through water and also sets the paper crane free. I don't really have much choice in where to film this as there are not many shallow rivers in the area so it's pretty restrictive. This is taken from the bridge that I will also film her dropping a torn up paper from, but I forgot to take a picture of it!
This is a possibility of where she can float the paper crane, but I don't like it as I don't feel it's right and as it's a pond there won't be a current to make the paper crane sail. This can be used as a back up in the event that I may not be able to use the other location.
I thought that these trees would be good for the fire scene as they look interesting and different. However, on closer inspection it is a private field and I didn't fancy risking my life climbing over barbed wire for a short scene. Unfortunately this would have perfectly fitted the first few shots of my storyboard but I feel I may change it anyway.
This is also another location for the river scene. However I don't like it as much because it feels too close to civilisation and it might change the feel of my opening as I want the surroundings to reflect on the character and how she feels just to emphasise her feelings (loneliness).

Saturday 5 March 2011

Costume & Makeup

Here are a few photos of what the character in my film opening will be wearing. The outfit was chosen by the actor herself, as Ruby reminds me so much of the character in the film so I felt the outfit she chose would be fairly representative of the character she was playing.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Action Plan

The deadline for the film opening is the 25th of March. I have mapped out the things I will be doing from now until then so that I can keep track of time and how much I get done.

Week beginning 1st March
Audience Research statistics
Sort out times with Actor
Research similar texts

Week beginning 8th March
Photograph/Video possible locations
Write about the genre of the film
Name of Film

Week beginning 15th March
Audience Research videos
Film over the weekend

Week beginning 22nd March 
Sort out music
Edit footage